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Black Geno Breaker
Hmmmmmm?Is this a Geno Breaker or Beserk Fury?

Beserk Fury
It's not an official toy but it's cool lookin


Prozan//Dark Kaiser
I know sick....... describes MY SISTER'S FACE : (

Sibling Rivalry
Yup describes me and my ugly sister(im the BladeLiger my sister is the DeathStinger im the good guy)

Looks like I win again : ) *_* - _-

The Ultimate X
1 Liger, 3 Armors, 1 Ultimate X


Last Update: Uploaded Zoids Season 3 opening theme.
Hey sorry i dont have an episode guide i dont know all the episodes and pleeze dont leave just yet if your lookin for an episode guide look around first..........T-H-E-N  leave.
Zoids Headline News
1:35pm Central Feb, 5.03
Well I haven't updated much, I've been so caught up with friends and school. Well anyways Summer vacation! Yeah, I know my music file won't work but if you know how to make it work email me at .
3:38pm Central Feb, 18.03
Well I added a music file to the site, it may not work so email me if it doesn't.
8:03pm Central Feb, 16.03
Sorry I haven't been updating lately I have been a staff at several sites.
Now I am back. 
9:58am Central Jan, 9.03
I have made a new message board come there now!
9:18am Central Jan, 9.03
Sorry I didn't fix the Schedule I was busy but I will do next weeks and please I still need your help on the episode guide if you don't help there won't be one.
5:01pm Central Dec, 30.02
I just got news about the epsodes of Zoids Chaotic Century Gaurdian Force for you afternoon watchers the final 4 episodes are gonna be shown on Satruday from 1:00pm through 2:30pm Central the final episodes enjoy!
4:54pm Central Dec, 30.02
Yes it's almost New Years. CartoonNetwork changed their Zoids schedule check the page for the new time. But as it comes to New Years you may ask me to make a quiz about a show or movie for you just email me and I'll put it up but first give me the quiz with the questions and with the answers.
4:43pm Central Dec, 25.02
Merry Christmas! I'll make the rest of the quizzes in January and February so stay tuned and always comeback for more. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
10:04am Central Dec, 24.02
I've now made a new poll up there go there and check it out!
9:46am Central Dec, 24.02
Yes it's Christmas Eve and I still didn't get a Christmas present for my sister oh well I'll do it later anywayz in January I'll have all the quizzes up. By the way I have made codes for Zoids VS. if you have the game Happy cheating and merry Christmas!

If you have the insane urge to email me click on

Conversion Armor System
C.A.S system

Fav. Organoid

Fav Zoid

Zoids Color

I'll be putting up some new pages soon so save this to your favorites or bookmark it cause you'll never know what i'll put up next!
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Anime 100
Anime 100